How To Eliminate Body Odor Naturally

How to get rid of body odor. Many people use various ways to eliminate body odor. This article will give you tips on how to eliminate body odor effectively and permanently. If you want to know how to avoid body odor, there are a number of things that must be known to some background about the smell of body odor.

HOW DOES THE BODY Happen How to get rid of body odor is inseparable from how to find out the process of body odor. Body odor occurs because of the decay process by body odor bacteria through sweat produced by sweat glands (apocrine gland = apocrine). Sweat coming out of our body contains water, salt and metabolic waste. this process goes naturally. The number of apocrine glands of body odor is not the same in everyone, there are times when a person has more apocrine glands than others so that sweat production is more, as well as more body odor bacteria resulting in greater body odor. POPULATION FACTORS OF BODIES Body odor can occur due to several supporting factors. By knowing these factors, we can find out how to eliminate body odor and to the maximum extent possible to prevent it.

1. Descent Factor.
2. Being overweight.
3. Psychic factors.
4. Hard drinks, cigarettes and drugs (for example; antibiotics). 5. Food factor (consuming too much mutton, durian, petai, garlic).
6. Body hygiene factor.
7. Hormonal factors (especially during puberty).

HOW TO ELIMINATE BODY BODY How to eliminate the following body odor is a natural way that does not cause side effects and must be done consistently if you want to see the results.

1.Mandi at least 2 times a day and dry the body with a clean towel, this will keep the body clean and is a healthy way of life.
2. Get used to eating basil leaves. Cucumber is sliced ​​- wipe or rub on the body, especially in the folds like the armpits.
3. Avoid foods that contain lots of fat.
4. Eat lots of vegetables and drink water.
5. Stop using powder or deodorant because it will only make the skin become sticky and trace on clothes.
6. If you need to shave your armpit hair and genital area because if you are not clean enough, it will be a place for germs and bacteria to nest.
7. The above method is not an instant way but the results are good if you consistently do it.

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