The cause of his absence Gusdur

Who is the Dusdur ?....

                Abdurahman Wahid (Gus Dur) is the first of six children born in Jombang Denanyar, East Java on August 4, 1940. Gus Dur is genetically descended from "blue blood". His father, K.H. Wahid Hasyim is the son of K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari, founder of the biggest Jam'iytah Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Islamic organization in Indonesia and founder of the Tebu Ireng Jombang Islamic Boarding School. His mother, Mrs. Hj. Sholehah is the daughter of the founder of Pesantren Denanyar Jombang, K.H. Bisri Syamsuri. His maternal grandfather was also a NU figure, who became Rais' Aam PBNU after K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah. Thus Gus Dur was the grandson of two NU scholars at the same time, and two Indonesian figures. During his reign, of course there were many advantages and disadvantages of Abdurrahman Wahid's leadership during his tenure as president of the Republic of Indonesia.

            K. Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur is the chairman of the Nahdlatul ulama and the establishment of the Awakening Nation (PKB) party. Abdurrahman Wahid was elected president of B.J. Habibie, who was rejected by the MPR's accountability report on 19 October 1999. K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid became the fourth president of Indonesia after being elected by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) in 1999. He was assisted by megawati Sukarnoputri as vice president. President K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid formed his first cabinet, national unity cabinet, at the beginning of November 1999 and reshuffled it in August 2000. During the leadership of K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid, the condition of the Indonesian people remains volatile. Economic difficulties are expanding. In 2001 and 2002, the price of fuel (fuel) increased. Interethnic and interfaith riots continue. The riots were interfaith riots in Poso (Central Sulawesi), Lombok, and Maluku as well as interethnic riots involving Dayak ethnic Madurese in Sampit (Central Kalimantan). In addition, bomb attacks also occurred in several places in Indonesia. For example, a bomb in the Philippines sub-district, Jakarta (August 1, 2000). Bomb of the Malaysian embassy, ​​Jakarta (August 27, 2000), bomb at the Jakarta Stock Exchange building, (September 13, 2000), Christmas Eve bombs in several cities in Indonesia (December 24, 2000). During his leadership, K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid tried to encourage pluralism and openness. He decided that irian Jaya would be renamed Papua, but did not think of letting him be independent. In 2000, K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid issued a policy concerning the separation of POLISI from ABRI. K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid is a president who cannot be separated from controversy. The controversial statement was a review to the MPR to cancel the MPRS Tap No. XXV / MPRS / 1966 concerning violations of the teachings of Marxism and Communism. Besides, K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid also proposed holding bilateral cooperation with Israel. The effort invited widespread reaction demanding that he step down as president. In addition, invited the threat of resignation from the minister of law and legislation, prof. Yusril Ihza mahendra. At the first general assembly of the MPR in August 2000, president K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid gave his accountability report. On January 29, 2001, thousands of demonstrators stormed the MPR and asked President K.H. Adurrahman Wahid to resign with the involvement in the corruption scandal (Bruneigate and Buloggate). The buloggate case caused the House of Representatives to issue a strong reprimand to President K.H Abdurrahman Wahid in the form of a memorandum. The House of Representatives asks President K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid to return to work according to the mandated GBHN.

Weakness and Strengths of the Leadership of President Gus Dur in Indonesia 1. In Politics a. Strengths:
1) Forming National Unity Cabinet
2) Frequent overseas travel with the aim of cooperating with other countries, attracting investment, receiving awards, medical treatment, as well as attending various world forums such as the world economic forum or G-77 country meeting.
3) Foreign Policy that is Free Active With overseas visits is actually a waste, but this is done to raise the image of the State of Indonesia. As a result of Pak Soeharto's regime, Indonesia's image is known as a totalitarian country with a low level of democratization. To overcome this, President Gus Dur made a visit to the countries that are members of ASEAN, Africa, Europe, to the Americas. Because of this visit, free political politics is active. President Gus Dur's frequent visits to foreign countries turned out to have received a positive response from the world, even opening up opportunities for cooperation (especially cooperation in trade).
4) Democratic Political Climate Everyone knows that during the Gus Dur period a democratic atmosphere began to materialize. This can be seen with disturbing actions, namely:
5) Elimination of regulations that harm minorities.
6) Dissolution of non-effective state institutions (information and social department) hengga "intention" Gusdur opens diplomatic relations with Israel.
7) The tendency of Gusdur thinking that respects individual freedom and diversity (the basis of democracy) and reformers.
8) During the time of Abdurrahman Wahid there was a drastic change in the field of media openness. Abdurrahman liquidated the information department, so that the mass media were more free to carry out their activities.
9) Gus Dur was famous for his pluralism. At the time the Chinese minority group received greater recognition, such as in handling population documents and determining Chinese New Year as a national holiday.
10) Unfortunately, the system and pattern of the Gus Dur government did not go well. There is no unnecessary political uproar, so political stability is not maintained.
11) Poor political stability causes economic stability to limp

b. Weaknesses: 
1) President Abdurahman Wahid often made statements to the media that often heated up the political climate of the country. This caused a shock to the domestic political situation. One of them is the matter of reshuffle cabinets or the urge to retreat against a number of ministers.
2) Low level of popularity Gusdur
3) People are less enthusiastic about the style of Gusdur government.
4) With some controversial decisions making gusdur not a populist figure. Some people consider Gus Dur to be a national figure recognized by his brilliance. As the main figure among Nahdiyin (the basis of the religious mass of the Nahdatul Ulama organization), Gus Dur was indeed respected by his leadership. But, as a statesman who must be wise in making policies, Gus Dur is doubtful about his ability.
5) Not Having a Strong Political Base in Parliament (MPR / DPR)
6) Gus Dur was not a figure of the party that won the election. The party that carried it at the time (PKB), did not have the most votes.
7) The chosen process of Gus Dur is unique. The results of the political lobbies finally made Gus Dur elected as president. As a result, in the government cabinet formed by Gus Dur, he was "forced" to embrace all parties without seeing the same platform (vision / mission) with him.
8) With the outspoken style of Gus Dur, many parties who initially showed support, gradually pulled their support. Sympathy turns into antipathy. At its peak, Gus Dur was overthrown by the MPR and "forced" out of the State Palace with only shorts and a singlet shirt.

2. In Economics a. Advantages:
1) Give the widest possible freedom to every tribe, especially Chinese, who in fact are mostly involved in the economy in the broadest possible way.
2) Dare to behave and be firm in economic sectors

b. Weaknesses:
1) Physical limitations so that his performance in leading this country is less than the maximum impact on the economic field.
2) Frequent travel abroad so that it is considered to waste the state budget.

 3. In the Social Field a. Advantages:
 Can create harmony between religious and inter-ethnic groups in Indonesia.

b. Weaknesses:
are many unemployed people in Indonesia around 13.7 million unemployed. 4. In the field of culture a. Pros: To overcome the problem of disintegration and inter-religious conflict, Gus Dur gave freedom in community and religious life. This right is evidenced by several presidential decrees issued, namely:
1) Presidential Decree No.6 of 2000 concerning the Restoration of Civil Rights of Confucians. Chinese ethnicity which was restricted during the New Order, with the existence of Keppres No.6, can have freedom in adhering to religion or holding its culture openly, for example the lion dance performance.
2) Establish the Chinese New Year (IMLEK) as a religious holiday, so that it becomes a national holiday.
b. Weaknesses:
 Inter-ethnic riots continue. Especially dangerous riots were killings between Muslims and Christians in Maluku which killed more than a thousand people throughout 1999. 5. In the field of Defense and Security a. Pros:
1) In March 2000, the Gus Dur government began negotiating with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). Two months later, the government signed a memorandum of understanding with GAM until the beginning of 2001, when the two signatories would violate the agreement. Gus Dur also proposed that TAP MPRS No. XXIX / MPR / 1966 which prohibits Marxism-Leninism from being revoked.
2) Gus Dur gave Aceh a referendum. But this referendum determines autonomy and not independence like the East Timor referendum. Abdurrahman also wanted to adopt a softer approach to Aceh by reducing the number of military personnel in the country of the Veranda of Mecca. On 30 December 1999, Abdurrahman visited Jayapura in the province of Irian Jaya. During his visit, Abdurrahman Wahid succeeded in convincing Papuan leaders that he encouraged the use of the name Papua.
b. Weaknesses:
As a result of the restructuring of government institutions causing unstable political conditions or frequent conflicts between parties and even internal party conflicts.

 3) Culture and Social Affairs To overcome the problem of disintegration and conflict between religious believers, Gus Dur gave freedom in social and religious life. This right is evidenced by several presidential decisions issued, namely:
 a) Presidential Decree No. 6 of 2000 concerning the Restoration of Civil Rights of Confucians. Chinese ethnicity was restricted during the New Order, with Presidential Decree No. 6 can have freedom in adhering to religion or holding their culture openly such as the Lion Dance performance. b) Establish the Chinese New Year (IMLEK) as a religious holiday, so that it becomes a national holiday. In addition to the above reforms, Gus Dur also issued various policies which were considered controversial with the MPR and the DPR, which were considered to be self-directed, without obeying the constitutional rules, but were resolved themselves based on the opinions of their close relatives, not according to the rules of the state constitution. Policies that cause controversy from various groups are: 
1) Removal of National Police Chief Roesmanhadi who is considered the New Order.
2) The removal of the Head of the Office of the Minister of Defense, Maj. Gen. TNI Sudradjat, who was motivated by a statement that the President was not a High Commander.
3) The removal of Wiranto as Menkopolkam, which was motivated by a relationship that was not harmonious with Gus Dur.
4) Issue an announcement about the minister of the National Development Cabinet who was involved in KKN so that it affected the cabinet's performance to decline.
5) Abdurrahman agreed that the name Irian Jaya would change to Papua and allow the raising of the Morning Star flag.

    The peak of the fall of Gus Dur from the presidency was marked by the Brunei Gate Scandal and the Bulog Gate which caused him to be involved in corruption cases, so on 1 February 2006 the DPR-RI issued the first memorandum while the second memorandum was issued on 30 Aril 2001. Gus Dur responded to the memorandum by issuing a decree or commonly referred to as the Presidential Decree which contained, among others:
1) Freezing the MPR / DPR-RI
2) Returning sovereignty in the hands of the people and taking action and preparing the body needed for the election within one year.
3) Dissolving the Golkar Party because it is considered a new order inheritance In reality, the Decree cannot be implemented because it is considered contrary to the constitution and does not have legal power, the MPR immediately convenes a Special Session on July 23, 2001 and Megawati Soekarnoputri is elected President of Republic of Indonesia replacing Gus Dur based on MPR Decree No. 3 of 2001 with his representative Hamzah Haz. [3] Establishment of the National Economic Council (DEN) The formation of the DEN is intended to improve the Indonesian economy which has not recovered from a prolonged crisis. The DEN Chair is Prof. Emil Salim with his deputy Subiyakto Cakrawerdaya, Secretary Dr. Sri Mulyani Indrawati. Members of the DEN are Anggito Abimanyu, Sri Ningsih, and Bambang Subianto. When the relationship between President K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid and the Central Axis were not harmonious, the DPR issued Memoranda I and II to drop him from the presidency. As a backlash, the president issued a declaration on May 28, 2001 and answered Memorandum II with an answer read by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Coordinating Minister for Political, Social and Security Affairs (Menko Polsoskam) on May 29, 2001, which included freezing the MPR and DPR institutions. End of office of President K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid occurred during the Plenary Session of the MPR on July 21, 2001. The meeting was considered as a special session of the MPR. The decisions taken by the special session are as follows: 1. President K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid was officially dismissed as president based on MPR Decree No. II of 2001. 2. MPR issued Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly No. III in 2001 to establish and appoint Vice President Dyah Permata Megawati Setyawati Soekarnoputri as the fifth president of the Republic of Indonesia.

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