The radical organization of HTI was dissolved

       Dissolution of groups or HTI community organizations that endanger the official State will be dissolved
    (PERPPU) Government Regulation in Lieu The law is issued because of the difficulty of dissolving HTI in the cause there is no strong legal umbrella.
If its dissolution through the courts, it is clear the journey will be long and the government could lose, especially legal experts like Yusril Mahendra has stated will stand behind HTI.
Since long HTI was targeted by community organization Nadhatul Ullama (NU)
Organization of this khilafah bearer, its ideology is very dangerous for the country. They place the state system based on Pancasila today as a system of polytheism and haram that must be replaced with Islamic system. Whereas the Indonesian state stands on the basis of Pancasila and bhineka single ika, not standing on the basis of Islam
And NU is consistent to bring the issue of this radical society organization to the President to be dissolved. Even the NU youth organization Ansor & Banser has "wars" everywhere with HTI.
       A day earlier, NU and dozens of Islamic community organizations that are not the seventh of HTI - '' In addition to Muhammadiyah '' - agreed to support the government to dissolve HTI. And this is clear ammunition for Jokowi who is cocking missiles to radical organizations that are in the name of Religion that could threaten the sovereignty of the country.
   In his current position as President, it is safer for him to postpone the dissolution after the 2019 presidential election. Jokowi counts as it plays a dangerous dice in this dissolution.

             HTI itself is estimated to have 2 million members. If coupled with sympathizers or community organizations who feel threatened by the government regulation, it could be enemies Jokowi increased 4 million to 5 million people. And because of being an enemy, obviously they will choose Jokowi opponent during the presidential election later ..
But it seems that President Jokowi does not care about all that.
With the support of NU and dozens of other Islamic community organizations, he will realize the dissolution of HTI and followed the dissolution of other radical mass organizations.
               Although this is good news for some, but HTI's dissolution will also be a counter-attack for Jokowi's government that will be exploited by his political enemies.

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