Towards reform in the tragedy of the 1998 riots

 Soeharto stepped back and apologized to the people

              Officials began to issue ammunition. Starting from tear gas to bullets. They form a firing formation and begin to bombard the line of students with bullets that pierce their head, throat, and chest.

 JAKARTA, Indonesia - Seventeen years ago the streets of Semanggi were not all crowded today, May 12, 2015, but filled with students holding banners and apparatus in full uniform.In front of the Trisakti University Campus, they shout "Reform!" They demanded Suharto, the ruler of the State Palace for 32 years to resign.And "Dor!" The rifle of the apparatus made the students crumple. Some are falling to asphalt, some are running racing.But the authorities continued to shoot from outside the campus. Tear gas also fired to meet Trisakti campus.The shooting incident then became known as Trisakti Tragedy. It was only the beginning of a bigger and wider unrest, not only the capital, but also in other provinces.This is what happened in the days that changed the future of Indonesia:May 2ndThe riots did not start in Jakarta, but in Medan, North Sumatra. At that time, there was a demonstration of students at some point in Medan City. Demonstrations that led to the clash continued until May 8. Not only students, other masses were also involved in this demonstration. They burned and shouted negative sentiments against the police. The situation can not be controlled.May 12thAfter some riots in the area, the capital began to heat up. Students gather and begin to close the line. They held a peaceful action in the front parking lot of Building M (Sharif Thayeb Building) at Trisakti University Campus. Then they held a free forum just above the overpass. It is estimated that about 6000 people attended.In the middle of the day, the crowd began to heat up, as a number of security forces began to arrive at the pulpit. The action was continued with a long march to the road, they headed to the People's Consultative Assembly building. But peaceful action was blocked by the authorities. They then demonstrated in the West Jakarta Mayor's Building. After being repeatedly blocked by the apparatus, the students returned to the campus and continued the oration there.But an unidentified person managed to provoke a student who was holding a peaceful action. He issued dirty words that made students angry. The person was not identified, but he ran towards the apparatus. Clash between students and officials was inevitable.

 Officials began to issue ammunition. Starting from tear gas to bullets. The apparatus formed a firing formation and began bombarding the line of students with bullets piercing through their heads, throats, and chests.Students who died on the spot were Elang Mulia Lesmana, Heri Hertanto, Hafidin Royan, and Hendriawan Sie.May 13thThe incident of the death of 4 Trisakti college students has provoked a wider reaction from the previous Medan incident. The situation is increasingly precarious because of the widespread unrest.Meanwhile, there was looting in Jakarta. The mobs burned homes and shops that were mostly owned by ethnic Chinese. Foreign media reported rape of Chinese girls. This story is never revealed clearly because the victim is silent to this day.Unverified data from AsiaWeek said at least 1,188 people were killed, about 468 women raped, 40 malls and 2,470 shops sold out by fire, and not less than 1,119 cars burned or damaged.The situation is increasingly unclear because a number of ABRI leaders (now TNI) were not in Jakarta when the riots occurred. They gathered in Malang to attend the transfer ceremony of the Rapid Reaction Fast Counter (PPRC) from Division I to Second Division Kostrad.The event was attended by ABRI Commander at the time, General Wiranto, KSAD General Subagyo HS, Commander of Lt. Gen. Prabowo Subianto, Danjen Kopassus Muchdi PR and several other military officers.Due to the vacancy in Jakarta, the question arises in the community, where the military security apparatus in the time of the riots?May 14th

 On May 14, 1998 this is the name Prabowo came to the surface. He was then called the party who designed the riot. He was reported to hold a secret meeting at the headquarters of the Kostrad

Based on a report from the Joint Fact Finding Team (TGPF), a secret meeting in Makostrad occurred after the day's maghrib was attended by Adnan Buyung Nasution, Setiawan Djodi, Rendra, and Bambang Widjojanto. Prabowo is said to convey information about the latest situation. But the meeting was denied by Prabowo himself.At 7:30, Wiranto appeared on the television screen and said that the security forces had managed to control the situation. But in the field, people do not see the security forces on the streets.Conditions increasingly uncertain. Thousands of foreigners began to leave Jakarta smoldering and brutalized.May 15-19Jakarta is still tense. At 4.40 on May 15, Suharto arrived from a series of visits to Cairo, Egypt, and landed on the military base of Halim Perdana Kusuma. He was escorted by 100 armed vehicles to his residence on Jalan Cendana. Soeharto immediately heard the mass action plan of a million people to be held on 20 May.Wiranto as the supreme commander of ABRI expressed his full support for Suharto. Wiranto advised Suharto to form a new cabinet and implement reforms.Meanwhile, the student's determination is increasingly unanimous. Suharto had to retreat. They not only planned the action of a million mobs, but also the occupation of the MPR building.

On May 19th, at 11 o'clock, Soeharto appeared on national television. He said the government would soon hold elections. He also promised not to run for president again.

Vice President Habibie called Soeharto. Habibie said he was worried about Suharto's career. Soeharto will be finished. Soeharto replied to Habibie that he would carry out the election as planned.

May 20th

Jakarta National Monument area is full of tanks. Hundreds of troops armed with long-barreled rifles and light tanks and artillery personnel patrolled the capital. The Palace is heavily guarded. Demonstration of a million people was canceled.

That afternoon, Wiranto gave suggestions and options to Soeharto. First, he still wanted to serve as ABRI commander, Habibie had to commit to reform, and Prabowo had to be replaced.

May 21st

At 9am on a national television broadcast, Soeharto announced that he was stepping down. He apologized to the people for all his faults and shortcomings. Habibie succeeded him as president of RI

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