The story of a 16th old married a 71th old grand mother

Finally get married too

            A teenager from southern Sumatra named selamet riyadi 16 years old who married 71-year-old siti rohaya grandmother, who is more deserving to be his grandmother it has now become a tranding topic in Indonesia. Start his love story. Her marriage and up to the story of the first two lovebirds, making the community full of curiosity. 
Then what makes selamet riyadi married a 71th-century grandmother? .... 
           There is no other word than love. The seeds of love that arise in selamet riyadi to the spiritual grandmother When his self became sick 3 years ago, almost 1 month of the spiritual grandmother who took care of his self to heal, from that incident selamet riadi began to love the grandmother spirits.
          Slamet then expressed his feelings. As the saying goes, the Titled Gown ". Apparently, the seeds of love also began to grow in the heart of Rohaya who at age no longer young. He needs a companion. Her two sons are married. Each has a home. The three grandchildren also joined their parents. "This marriage was delayed, because in about by both the family. . Because their relationship is not in restui, selamet and spirits issued a threat to drink poison as it is the love story of Romeo and Juliet, right then to the two side of the family bless their relationship,           
                The marriage to two lovebirds of selamet and spirits whose ages are deeply involved, purely on the basis of love and compassion. Not for possessions. "No property. Except this house, "he said. In fact, he continued, for the cost of marriage alone, both couples, do not have. All are shared jointly by village officials and sympathetic local residents. However, special dowry Rp200 thousand directly from Slamet own.
            When in touch about the first night, they just smile-shy smile. "Not yet," Slamet said shortly. So also with plans to have a baby. The two lovebirds chose to remain silent. However, Slamet promised to always be happy his wife. "I usually take the wages from cleaning the residents' garden and other odd jobs," he said. "Yes have to work hard. Pray for it, "he said again with enthusiast
      For Slamet, Rohaya is his first love. On the contrary, for Rohaya this is the third marriage. Two previous husbands who had died a widower status when married to him. "Only with this Slamet he married a virgin

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